Sunday, May 10, 2015


Here's a TMI for you to enjoy:

1. How long have you been blogging? - Off and on for about 6 years.

2. Tell us about your pen name?  Is it a pen name? - Yes, it's a pen name. Ebony is my skin color and panther is one of my favorite animals.

3. What is your blog about? - Sexual musings and advice. It's an addition to my ebooks that I'm in the process of publishing.

4. Do you earn any money with your blog? - No. It's a hobby that I mainly do on flights since I go on long trips. I'll usually do about 10 posts during a flight and queue them to be released every other day or so. Helps pass the time better than playing Candy Crush.

5. What inspired you to blog? Both it and the books are creative outlets that I need to have in my life.

6. What keeps you blogging? - Good question. I've stopped on and off over the years. I think it's just another way of being creative.

7. Do you have any advice for readers looking for love? Looking to get laid? Looking for a threesome? - That's basically what the blog is about.